Quality politics

Quality politics

POSEIDON HOTELS, as an organization focused on providing lodging and restaurant services, has as its main mission the full satisfaction of its Clients.

Therefore, it takes into high consideration your needs and requirements to obtain continuous improvement in its services and activities, in conditions of profitability and competitiveness, optimizing the management of its resources. As basic pillars for maintaining its philosophy, HOTELES POSEIDON establishes as corporate values:

Price quality:

Satisfy the expectations of our clients to the maximum by relying on Quality Management Systems, which allow us to offer a balance between quality and price.

Personalized service:

Providing personalized service to our clients, taking care at all times shows kindness and cordiality.

Continuous Improvement:

Develop a spirit of continuous improvement in our work, promoting professional recycling.

Family business:

Use the communication of the family atmosphere that characterizes our company to consolidate our interests.

Work, Simplicity and Ethics:

Promote and transmit a favorable work environment and professional ethics under the commitment to increase the level of training of all our collaborators.

Social responsability:

Promote equal opportunities, development and participation of all staff, ensuring the transparency of our management, respecting the accessibility of people with disabilities and guaranteeing the safety and health of our collaborators.

Environmental Management Policy:

Understanding that a clean and healthy environment constitutes the basis of these tourist services and is essential for future growth, especially sensitive to the deterioration that is occurring there, both the Management and its employees assume the commitment to conserve resources. natural resources and commit to the sustainable development of its activities in accordance with the following principles of action in terms of environmental management:

Identify environmental aspects, continually improve them and prevent pollution.
Consider environmental concern in the design, planning, construction and development of services.
Comply with legislation, applicable environmental regulations and other requirements.
Control and reduce the use of products harmful to the Environment.

Accessibility Policy

Commitment to the special needs of clients with disabilities by providing the necessary resources to achieve a high degree of accessibility of our facilities and compliance with DALCO requirements.
Commitment to total integration of all clients regardless of their capabilities.
Provision of the necessary means that lead to the reduction of failures and prevention of their appearance.

In this way, the goal we pursue as a company will have a multiplying effect in the homes of each of the members of the human team and the clients, so that not only will the activities of our establishments be more respectful of the environment, but also the activities carried out by the Hotel's inhabitants.

For the application of the principles established in this policy, action plans, objectives and documented environmental management goals will be developed that allow us to continuously improve the level of our behavior. 

The evaluation of the effectiveness of said plans and their implementation will be based on the performance of periodic environmental audits and the review by Management of the results. 

This Policy will be reviewed periodically in order to adapt it to the needs and circumstances at all times, being communicated to all the people who make up this company and facilitating its accessibility both for them and for our clients in general.